BESTYO [Best Of] (2006.11.29)

1. Hanamizuki (ハナミズキ; Flowering Dogwood)
2. Hisui (翡翠; Kingfisher)
3. Morai Naki (もらい泣き; Infectious Tears)
4. Hito Shian (一思案(ひとしあん); Thoughts of One)
5. Tsukitenshin (月天心; The Moon's Zenith)
6. Kagefumi (影踏み; Tramling Down Fears)
7. Ureshii Koto. (うれしいこと。; Happy Things.)
8. Edo Polka (江戸ポルカ)
9. Da Jia (大家(ダージャ); [Zh]: Everyone)
10. Sayonara Arigato (さよならありがと; Goodbye, Thank You)
11. Yubikiri (指切り; Pinky Promise)
12. Arigatoutou (アリガ十々; Thank You)
13. Kazaguruma (かざぐるま; Windmill)
14. Kingyo Sukui (金魚すくい; Goldfish-Scooping Game)
15. Accordion ~Long ver. (あこるでぃおん)
16. Tentou Mushi (てんとう虫; Ladybug)
Utazaimon ~ALL TIME BEST~ [Album] (2017.10.11)
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AntwortenLöschenI only find these two hope thats ok for you =)